Seminar of Dr. Yarik Grosu

Abstract: Primarily inspired by nature, hierarchical porous materials are attractive for a wide range of applications as they provide a unique combination of transport and interfacial properties. Hierarchical macro-nanoporous metals (HMPMs) are a new class of porous materials attractive for a wide range of applications due to their high thermal and electrical conductivity. In this presentation, our recent results on different synthesis methods and implementation of HMPMs for phase change thermal energy storage materials and boiling applications are presented. We also demonstrate how several chemical-free synthesis methods result in superhydrophobic HMPMs attractive for a broad range of technological applications. Finally, several strategies for tuning the porosity and modality of HMPMs are presented.
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When: Friday the 3rd of June at 11.
Location: Sala videoconferenze Palazzina E.