The project "Wireless Connection in the SPV Area" is aimed at responding to the different needs of users operating in the SPV Area: students, staff, teachers, guests and visitors.
The objective is to distribute the wireless network both in the so-called common areas/spaces (classrooms, libraries, etc.) and in the spaces assigned to the various Departments or Faculties of the SPV Area.
In particular, two wifi networks will be announced, differentiated mainly by the type of services enabled:
1. wifi sapienza
2. wifi eduroam
The login credentials will be:
- For teaching and non-teaching staff, those of the Sapienza e-mail service (login: nome.cognome@uniroma1.it, password: the PRIMARY password of the e-mail service).
- For students, those of InfoStud (ATTENTION: students cannot access the network services before the payment of the first tranche of taxes).